Hyperhealth Pro comments

Hyperhealth Encyclopedia represents 25 years of research in human nutrition

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Wesley Wessels
Does anyone know where I can get this software? I really really need it.

Mar 25, 2024 Was it helpful?  yes(1) no(0) | Reply
rating elaine
Such worthwhile software, Warren was a great guy, I'm sorry to read he's gone. He did a tremendous service in distributing this program!

Jan 17, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating TOMCHHC
The developer's name was Warren, I spoke to him several times on the phone over the years as I upgraded from one version to another. He was afraid the authorities would shut him down, as by legal definition only medical doctors and drugs can treat or "cure" disease. The last version I was able to purchase was 11, several years ago. I figured Warren had died or been shut down when I could no longer contact him by phone or email.

Oct 6, 2022 Was it helpful?  yes(2) no(0) | Reply
Nick P
There is a way of running it on Windows 10. I am running Hyperhealth 5 on Windows 10. You have to save the Hyperhealth file as a .hlp file and amend some other drivers. I found a link on the internet somewhere but off the top of my head cant recall where as I did it some time ago. If I figure it out again I will update this post.

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Nick P, can you please advise the method to do this explained by you above would be very appreciative

Dec 6, 2022 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Rick Wagner
For some reason I cannot download your program. I used to use it a lot but somehow, over the years and updates on computers, I no longer have it. Is there any other way to get it?

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Great program, but no support anymore. Bought so many versions. The last one was Hyperhealth Pro 2010, had it running on win7 in 2014, but when I went to change computers in 2015 to win 10, nothing worked. Can't get support, can't run the program. It's a real shame as this was such a good resource tool.

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rating Garry Van Dijk
I find this programme to be an invaluable resource to my nutrition practice. My only wish is that they produced a mobile app version, or especially an iOS version.

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Garry Van Dijk, I had this on my last PC and also found it invaluable in my practice, but I had to update my computer. Even though the new computer has Windows 7, I can't get an authorization code for the CD ROM to run it. Apparently the guy who produced it has died. Do you know of any way to get the data now?

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I would like to know if they are still in business , they do not answer the phone or answer e-mails, I have had this software for 10 years + and all of a sudden hyperhealth 10 removed its self from our PC's and wants you to re-register, no where did it state the software expires.

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Carol cunningham, apparently the guy has died. Let me know if you find a way to access it.

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I also bought version 8 and the CD of version 10. My computer crashed... as they do.... and now Hyperthealth won't support the CD want me to purchase upgrade to version 11.

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How are you able to purchase it?

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We purchased version 10, actually paid cash for the program. I like the program, but would never refer a friend (maybe, an enemy) to purchase it. Know what happens when your hard drive crashes or you purchase a new computer? The publishers will only let you install the program once. You have to purchase a new program to work on your new computer or hard drive. How is that for business!
We now own three versions of this program exactly because of the above. A lot of money to own a software program you paid good money for.

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Guest, I can't even find how to buy the software. I have the original CD rom, but my PC died and the authorisation with it. Where can I get the software now? Apparently the guy who designed it has died.

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One of the most amazingly useful programs I have ever used, this will be my third version.

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